Create your Big Cartel integration

Set up Big Cartel so that your users can connect their Big Cartel stores directly with your portal
Written by Support
Updated 1 month ago

*Note: This documentation is for our Enterprise users who would like for Big Cartel sellers to have the ability to connect directly with their white label account. This is not needed for accounts that will use Riverr to connect.

1. Fill out this form:

Big Cartel Form

It will start with asking you about some of your basic business info. 

When asked to describe your application, you can use something similar to this:

Our app is designed to bring in your orders so that we can fulfill/drop ship them to your customers. Our app makes it easy to map products and then automatically fulfill them for you as soon as an order comes in for that specified product. You can also create and send products directly from our app to your Big Cartel store. 

After that, it will then begin to ask you about your app.

The first question they will ask you is: "what type of app you are building?"
Choose Shop management and Shipping 

Here is a helpful example of something you can take inspiration for the one line description they need:

Seamlessly sync, map, and auto-fulfill orders while easily creating and sending products to your Big Cartel store.

Enter this  as your Setup URI:

Enter this for the Redirect URI:


*Note: Replace "yourdomain" with your actual domain.

When asked what type of API access you need, select both the read and write checkboxes.

When asked if you will need webhook access, select yes and give this answer for why you will be needing it:

We need webhook access to ensure seamless order fulfillment and real-time inventory updates. Webhooks allow us to automatically sync new orders, track status changes, and fulfill orders as they come in. This ensures that sellers don’t have to manually transfer data, reducing errors and streamlining their workflow. 

When asked, "Does your app need Javascript in seller's shop?" Select "No Code Needed."

2. Receive Email containing your credentials

You will receive an email containing your credentials. The link to these credentials self destructs after viewing them, so copy and save them somewhere safe!

They should look something like this:

Name: Riverr
Identifier: dsa3mprasdfasdf8rnnrQXdf9uMAW5x1H
Secret: zQBwdfyVGSea98dsrt3sAggkrNjKpq3TFolRmBc4vDLE
Redirect URIs:

3. Add the api keys to your portal

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