Create a Public Etsy App

Follow these instructions to create your own Etsy Application
Written by Support
Updated 1 year ago

*Note: This documentation is for our Platform users who would like for Etsy sellers to have the ability to connect directly with their white label account. This is not needed for users.

Let's get started.

1. If you haven't already, sign up for an Etsy seller account

Navigate to this link:

The page should look like this:

2. Once you are signed in, you will then want to click on "Create a new app"

3. Activate two-factor authentication. Click on the link at the top to navigate to this setting page.

Then you will need to decide which method of two-factor authentication you would like to use. This is up to you.

4. Complete the "App Overview" section

Name: Enter the name of your POD business

Describe your application: Write a paragraph explaining your business model and that you are attempting to become a print partner with Etsy sellers who are designers and need help with printing needs.

Website URL: Input the url of your portal (Example:

5. Select these roles:

6. Agree to the Etsy API Terms of Use

7. You will then be given the api keys for your app. Copy these and paste them in your admin account in Riverr

After this is finished, you will have to wait.

The app will say "pending approval."

Etsy will then approve the app for provisional use. You will then need go to the "Manage Apps" tab and click on "Request Full Access."

After this is approved, you will need to do one more thing.

8. Edit your callback url

Underneath your app name you will see a link that says "Edit your callback urls." Click this link.

Give this url (With your domain replacing "yourdomain") as the input:

Click save.....and you are done!

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