Shopify is a cloud-based, multichannel e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of customizable features to open your own online store. With comprehensive suite of services, including payments, marketing, shipping and customer engagement tools, Shopify enables online retailers to simplify the process of running an online store for small merchants.
Connecting your Shopify store(s) to Riverr will only take you a few minutes, but it will start saving you hours the moment you are finished. Our integration will allow you to import all of your listings and orders, and connect them to your workflow, including shipping, inventory, purchase orders, and production.
We will show you the exact steps you will need to do in order to get set up in the tutorials below.
*Note: If you installed the app from Shopify, you can skip to step #5!
Step 1: Create A Riverr Account
Step 2: Integrate Your Shopify Store
From the left menu, click on the "Shops" tab.
2. Next, click on the "Add Shop" button.
3. A popup will appear and will ask you which platform you would like to integrate with; Choose Shopify.
4. Next, you will need to enter your Shopify URL. Enter that and then click "Save."
5. This will then take you to the Shopify website where you will have to enter your Email and Password for the specified Shop.
6. After clicking "Log in," you will be redirected back to Riverr. Your shop should now be active and you will be able to see it inside of your Shops tab.
*Note: It may take a few minutes to show up here. If you do not see it immediately, refresh or navigate away from the page and then come back. It should then be visible.
Step 3: Listings and Order Import
You actually don't have to do anything for this to start. Simply navigate to the "Listings" and "Orders" pages and you should see your items begin to populate these pages.
That's it! You are now integrated with Shopify!
If you have any issues trying to implement this, please contact us at [email protected].